For this reason, it was not only a statement of Ven. Subhadda but also many other statements that happened during the Buddha’s time.
For example as monks those who lived at the monastery of Kosambi, they argued the Dhamma and vinaya. Because the Buddha himself could not solve these arguments so he went to Parileya forest. Moreover, Ven. Devadatta wanted to lead the large community given by five statements to the Buddha but the Buddha did not accept it. As a result of that the order of monks divided into two groups etc.
Here, anyway, this Buddhist council could not hold without Ven. Ānanda because he was as the treasurer of the Dhamma (Dhamma Bhandāgārika) and who being the Buddha’s personal attendant had heard Dhamma from the Buddha’s mouth more than anyone else.
Therefore Ven. Mahākassapa himself asked all questions relating to the Vinaya and the Dhamma both to Upali and Ananda. The answers given by Ven. Upali and Ven. Ananda became Vinaya Pitaka and Suttapitaka. At the end of this council Venerable Ananda was reprimanded on five charges by the elders. These are;
(1) Not getting a proper clarification when the Buddha mentioned his parinibbāna. He defended that because he was in a deep sorrowful situation at that time.
(2) Disrespecting the Buddha’s robe while Ven. Ānanda stitching stands on it. He defended that there was no one to help him to stitch the Buddha’s robe.
(3) Permitting females to pay their respects to the Buddha before others. He defended that because he felt compassion of the ladies those who come from distant areas.
(4) Not inviting the Buddha to live another an eon. He defended that he was under the influence of the Mara at that time.
(5) Helping females to join the order of nuns. He defended that because he respect to Prājapati gotami.
From Mahāsanghika Dulva,
(6) Venerable Ananda was charged for not giving water when the Buddha requested it.
(7) Venerable Ananda was blamed for showing the hidden parts of the Buddha to the ordinary people.
Disciples Ananda was considered as the one of the most loyal disciples of Lord Buddha. Though he could not become arahant before Lord Buddha attained Parinirvana.
It is quite shock to see such statement against Ven. Ananda.
nanda was the principal disciples of Lord Buddha and was regarded as the devout attendant of Lord Buddha of the Sangha. The term Ananda literally means great delight. According to the Buddhist tradition, Ananda is used to have the most retentive memory of most of the Suttas in the Sutta Pitaka related to Wheel of Dharma.